Who am I?

Hello Everyone, my name is Dheera Singh and this is my life's story.

Dheera Singh

1/2/20222 min read

This is my very first post and I have no Idea what to write. Well first of all I would like to introduce myself properly.

Let's start with the family. I am a single working parent and my daughter stays with my mother. Though pandemic is not good for everyone, it has brought me some very good memories with my daughter. Due to closure of schools she along with my mother visited me and stayed here. She is eight and this is first time that I was with her for more than six months.

My passion in life is to learn. Earlier I used to read but now a days just like many of us, got addicted to YouTube. It has become my new teacher. As a girl, I was always a tomboy and used to play all kind of sports. It was cricket, hide and seek, tree climbing, racing, "Kho-Kho" etc. You name it and I played it. Now after watching and learning from YouTube, I know how to be feminine. I learned organizing, make-up, dressing styles etc. I love to implement these learnings in my life as soon as I learn them so that I do not forget them. Currently I am learning how to creat a good website on Zyro. Please let me know If I have done a good job or not.

The most problematic side of my life is my impulsive shopping. I shop a lot and it has become a concern for everyone in my life except me. Even my daughter has started picking me up for this habit. I am a potato couch too and love to binge watch movies, TV series, Web-series, Based on this I started reviewing movies for my own YouTube channel "Evolution-unfold yourself". Do check it.

Now, a million dollar question is "Why, the website?"

Well, this website will be kind of E-journal. I do not know if it's a good idea or not but i would like to push my limits. Since it would be journaling website where I will pour my heart's feeling out, it can not make sense for many of you. I just want to look back someday and be happy knowing I did all I could do.

Thank you all.....Be Happy, Be Safe

woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains
woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains